Vidéo mariage juif au Château Barthélemy


Paris and worldwide.

Lieux : Château Barthélemy

Cinewaltam réalise des films de mariage aux rendus lumineux et dynamique. La qualité de notre post production est donc primordiale afin de restituer des films haut de gamme, cela notamment grâce à notre équipement supérieur à la moyenne dans le domaine du film de mariage.
Cinewaltam allie tout simplement disponibilité, réactivité et écoute pour répondre au mieux aux attentes de sa clientèle.

Cinewaltam makes wedding films with bright and dynamic renderings. The quality of our post-production is therefore essential in order to render top-of-the-range films, thanks to our above-average equipment in the field of wedding films.
Cinewaltam simply combines availability, reactivity and listening to meet the expectations of its customers.


15 réflexions sur “Vidéo mariage juif au Château Barthélemy”

  1. la grande israel est le seul peuple cite dans le coran dans la majorite des versee coraniques. la terre promise c est israel avec les terres colonisees par : ce qu on nomme : bien d autres terres .historiquement ; JERUSALEM etait et est : le coeur d israel.

  2. 24 In the United States, one day, a woman was sick. She went to see Prophet Branham. The prophet prayed for her but she was not healed and she came back to see the Prophet. And the Prophet said to her, "Madam, you have committed the sin of adultery. Go and confess it to your husband and you will be healed." The woman said, "I already confessed it to God a long time ago and I even fasted for three days for it and I have not done this sin again." The prophet said to her, "Alright, Madam, you must confess it to him because you are one body." And the woman said, "I am afraid, he is going to divorce me." And the Prophet said to her, "Madam, go, your husband has the same sin to confess to you."

    25 As soon as a man has endowed you or you live under his roof, no matter how much you love God, God will send you to hell if you do not confess your adultery to that man. And he too must confess to you what he has done if he wants to be saved. And this is addressed to every inhabitant of the earth, regardless of their religion or belief.

    26 All those who believe in me know this and have been practicing the public confession since 2002. And these are the steps of the service and the public confession according to the revelation that I have received for all mankind. First the service. Come just before the time of service to dispose yourself and be in prayer. An apostle, pastor or other cannot delay or cancel a service for a personal reason. And you must be reverent of the moment of the worship service, it is a moment of communion with God. It is good to turn off your phone or put it on vibrate mode. You must not manipulate your phone for more than two minutes while sitting in the congregation, except for notes or reading verses. Even an apostle, pastor or preacher is not allowed to manipulate his phone during the service. Avoid letting children cry or disturb the service.

    27 Before talking about the public confession, it’s necessary to talk about the leader who is the chief of the congregation during the public confession. During the confession, the leader is the representative of the prophet. He can give a sanction to someone who disrespects him or causes trouble. However, if, while in the pulpit, he has violated the Message, the congregation must help him. If the case is serious, he will leave the pulpit and another Brother will take his place. He will confess. And the public confession will follow its course. The sanctions that he already pronounced remain valid.

    28 But when a leader does not have the necessary mastery to lead the public confession, he must leave this task. The leader must be a Brother who lives well and who is able to say what is a sin and what is not. The leader must block the devil who wants to destabilize the public confession. The central point of how the public confession is carried out is the leader. That is why, when there is a problem and that concerns the leader or a preacher, he must not go to the pulpit until the problem is solved.

    29 If the leader of the public confession is good, mastering the Message and having the gift of God to do so, everything will go quickly. He will ask the questions, and give the sanctions clearly and precisely. He will not spend enough time on a confession and tire the congregation. Leading the public confession is a ministry and therefore a leader of the public confession must not be a puppet programmed to repeat: "next". The leader asks questions as he goes along so that when the floor is given to the congregation, the congregation will not have much to say.

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