D’Auschwitz à Jérusalem | Documentaire complet

Le 14 Mai 1948 à Tel Aviv, David Ben Gourion proclamait devant mille personnes émues aux larmes la création de l’Etat d’Israël. Un discours reçu par les juifs du monde entier comme l’accomplissement du rêve le plus fou : la fin de 2000 années d’exil. Pour les rescapés des camps de la mort, la création de l’Etat d’Israël fut un immense réconfort. Mais pour les 700 000 palestiniens qui fuiront ou seront chassés du nouveau pays, ce fut le début d’une injustice. Des premières persécutions nazies à nos jours, en passant par la tragédie de l’Exodus et le vote de l’ONU pour le partage de la Palestine en 1947, ce documentaire passionnant explique avec rigueur et sans parti pris les origines d’un conflit qui perdure encore…

Réalisateur : Serge de Sampigny


50 réflexions sur “D’Auschwitz à Jérusalem | Documentaire complet”

  1. The real Al Aqsa Mosque is in the city of Jarana in Saudi Arabia, 25 km from the city of Madinah. This mosque still exists there in the same place and in the same city there is also the Al Adna Mosque (the nearest mosque).

    This al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem was built by Abdul Malik Abu Marwan in 63 after the Hijra, approximately 60 years after Muhammad's death. How could Muhammad come to Jerusalem to a mosque that did not exist at all?

  2. لماذا لم تتحدث عن جرائم التي ارتكبتها الدولة المزيفة ( اسرائيل ) بحق الشعب الفلسطيني حتى الان …. ارتكبو جرائم بشعة بحقهم دفنوهم احياء حرقوهم احياء …. اطفال نساء شيوخ لم يسلم احدا من شرهم

  3. The arabs that call themselves palestinian try to claim this is what's happening to them 🤣🤣
    All palestinian unhappiness is created by them on purpose to steal the Jewish people story to gain sympathy and to continue to live on Jewish lands !!

  4. What amazing was and is this tiny country, Israel. How they have worked hard to have one of the advanced city in just 70 years comparing to its neighbors that had been there….just procrastinating their whole life. Israel, this tiny and brave one in the middle of its adversity, lots of enemies. They have progressed just in 70 years. Long live to Israel and may the Almighty God bless it!!🇮🇱💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

  5. The small house that the family moved in when they came from Germany to Palestine was taken away from native Palestinians by force and given to the family coming from Germany.
    The Canaan land was taken by jews by blood' at that time and now is taken again by the Jews by blood' again.

  6. Unde este islam este numai nenorocire moarte acești demoni fac decapitări tăietori de capete omenești cum se pot numi ? Din păcate Poorul Ales Israel este înconjurat de idiologia Satanei răzvrătiți criminali răufăcători fără educație fără Dumnezeu!

  7. – Why are American and European Jews, with Dual Citizenship, comeing to Israel, to Preach and Impose, Bronze Age philosophy’s , and 18th Centuary Colonialism? –
    When what is NEEDED is a CONSTITUTION and BILL of RIGHTS – that GUARANTEES all the many Indigenous peoples – Jew, Christian , Muslim , EQUALITY- FREEDOM OF TRAVEL – FOR EVERYONE –
    The Sectarian Apartheid Theocracy, masquerading as a Democracy, hiding behind the USA veto, AIN’T WORKING ! And ain’t gonna work, going forward! A Democracy only for the Chosen Ones, is a Oxymoron ! It not a democracy!
    Buld a society, that at least attempts, to create, The Kingdom Of G-D, in the – The Here AND Now ! A Political System worthy of being Jewish, and inclusive, Worthy of the Holy Land, the corridor of humanity from Africa to, the Rest of The World! A voting system and representative governing system , worthy of the Space Age ?

  8. “He (Ishmael) will be a wild donkey of a man; His hand will be against every man [continually fighting] And every man's hand against him; And he will dwell in defiance of all his brothers.” ~Gen.16:12

  9. So Jews reclaimed their land from long exile. Roman atrocities against Jewish people started before Muslim religion existed. So Palestine does not own the land they are claiming.

  10. Thats a lie!!!
    THEY hate the Jewish people..we DONT hate them!!
    We want peace .they want death war and chaos!
    So change your headline!!,tell the truth instead of lies and inciting war!!!!!
    Hamas is NOT NOT a Nation!!
    Theyre a terrorist front!😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

  11. The Palestinians (Arabs) who chose to stay in Israel became Israeli citizens and now represent 20%od isreals population. Show me one Muslim country that would allow Jews to become citizens in their country with equal rights as the Muslims. Just one .

  12. If you did proper research you would uncover the truth that Israel was barely inhabited when the Jews arrived (read Mark Twain's account of the state of Israel when he visited in the late 1800's) the land was Barron and full of swamps. Only after the Jews settled and repaired and built up the land did the Palestinians (Arabs) relocate to Israel from surrounding Moslem countries.

  13. NO it is NOT the story of hatred between two nations, the Palestinians and the Israelis It IS the story of unrelenting hatred from the Moslems and Palestinians towards the Jews. The Jews do NOT hate the Palestinians in fact if you did some research you would find out how much the Israelis have helped the Palestinians and that does NOT go both ways.

  14. Tout est politique sinon tout le monde s'entendraient bien …la politique qui appartient aux gros cous des gens riches et assoiffés dargent..et pour cela ils ont juste manipuler le peuple …tout comme en bosnie…personne navaient aucun probleme entre les croates serbes bosniaque…a nous de ne pas suivre ..et repandre lamour le respect….

  15. Los judios sionistas se convirtieron en lo que más odiaban…unos nazis…aplastando a los palestinos y quitándoles todo…tomaron los terrenos y casas a la fuerza

  16. Quien les dio el derecho de asesinar, que religion que ideologia, y sus matones, complices,,, ,, , cuantos holocausto hay aun en el mundo y las grandes naciones se hacen la vista ciega.

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